Amulet Magazine

Suspend Your Disbelief

Amulet is a new literary magazine offering a fresh perspective on spirituality, religion, and mysticism for seekers and skeptics alike.

Amulet isn’t tied to any particular tradition or spiritual outlook. Instead, the magazine aims to make space for diverging voices to pursue new ways of speaking to our longing for transcendence.

We’re living through a period of profound transformation, as the longstanding fonts of meaning and spiritual nourishment dry up and new visions emerge.

Amulet will chase the spirit of the moment, offering a new forum for an ancient conversation, publishing emerging and established voices from around the world.

Amulet is a project of Nearness, a cooperative organization that creates small-group programs for peer support around life’s big questions. Nearness has been funded by grants from private individuals and prominent foundations, such as the John Templeton Foundation and the Henry Luce Foundation.

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